
2020-05-11 13:56

Wood has donated vital personal protective equipment (PPE) to frontline health staff in Aberdeen. The donation was provided from our joint venture partner in China, following a visit from Geroge Guowei Zhang, Chairman of Wood in China, to the Maggie’s cancer carecentre in Aberdeen last year.

近日,Wood向奋战在阿伯丁抗疫前线的医护人员捐赠了重要的个人防护装备(PPE)。这笔捐赠来自于我们在中国的合资伙伴伍德中国董事长张国伟先生(Geroge Guowei Zhang),他曾在去年访问了位于阿伯丁的Maggie’s癌症护理中心(Maggie’s cancer care centre)。

Wood has provided the workers at Maggie’s, a charity that provides support to people living with cancer,with 10,000 fluid resistant surgical face masks – 6,000 of which will be passed onto NHS staff at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (ARI), and the remaining 4,000 masks will be distributed to care homes across the city.

Maggie’s致力于为癌症患者提供医疗关爱,此次Wood向该机构总共捐助了10000只医用外科口罩 – 其中6000只将捐助给阿伯丁皇家医院(ARI)的国民保健署(NHS)员工, 另外4000只将分发给该市的各个养老院。

Maggie’s received their supply of masks shipped from our team in China on 28 April, with ARI staff accepting their donation on Friday 1 May.


Dave Stewart, CEO Asset Solutions EAAA said: “Our joint venture partner in China visited the Maggie’s centrein the grounds of ARI last year and was inspired by their work. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the UK, he sought to help in any way he could and has generously donated these masks. In current conditions, it has been a logistical challenge that has taken a team effort to get these to Aberdeen. We are delighted to do a little to help and hope that the masks will make a significant difference for the frontline staff at ARI as well as those in local care homes.”

EAAA首席执行官Dave Stewart表示:“ 我们在中国的合资伙伴去年参观了位于ARI的Maggie‘s中心,深受鼓舞。当COVID-19开始在英国肆虐,他尽其所能地提供帮助,并慷慨捐赠了这些口罩。在当前的情况下,面对巨大的物流挑战,通过一整个团队的努力,我们成功确保这批急需物资及时抵达了阿伯丁。我们很高兴提供帮助,希望这些防护用品能为ARI的前线工作人员和当地养老院的人们带了更多的不同。”

Head of Procurement at NHS Grampian, Steven Glass said: “It’s great to see local businesses like Wood stepping up to support our frontline workers across the North East in these difficult times.

NHS Grampian医院的采购主管Steven Glass也同时表示: “很高兴看到像Wood这样的本地企业在困难时期挺身而出,支持我们在东北地区的一线员工。

“The support we’ve received from a host of businesses and organisations is truly heartening. This gift reflects our long-standing partnership with Maggie’s and ensures the donation of 6,000 protective face masks are shared with those in vital need across Aberdeen.”


Kevin Mathieson, Centre Head of Maggie’s Aberdeen, which is currently unable to see people face to face, added:“We are currently providing support by phone, email and online and with PPE being in such demand, it is the right thing to do to pass this gift onto our partners at ARI. This is a wonderful example of organisations pulling together in support of our NHS colleagues and I am delighted we at Maggie’s has been able to play a part."

Maggie’s阿伯丁中心的Kevin Mathieson在无法面对面的情况下,也提及到:“我们正在通过电话, 电子邮件和在线的方式提供帮助以满足对PPE的需求, 通过捐赠的方式向ARI的伙伴提供援助是很正确的方式。这是一个组织之间齐心协力支持我们的NHS同事的绝妙典范,我很高兴Maggie’s在此能够发挥积极作用。”

“It is an incredibly difficult time for everyone, especially though those living with cancer, and caring foreach other is more important than ever before.”
